# of watchers: 6
| D20: 20 |
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Main Characters: Titus Batiatus Paterfamilias Quintus Batiatus Ludus Dominus Lucretia Batiatus Ludus Domina Gannicus current Champion of Capua Oenomaus Doctore Spartacus Crixus | Primary Characters: Ashur Tullius Solonius Varro Dagan | Ilythia Glaber Barca Naevia Melitta Mira |
My Rules are few: Godmoding is only allowed WITH PERMISSION! Check your spelling before submitting your comment. I WILL DELETE IT! no short text; make your responses worth reading. if you are dominus/a or peterfamilias, you command all gladiators and slaves Sex goes onto your own wiki | Members: 1.owner [MadHatress] 2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] 3.[Tis gone but never gone] 4.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife] 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. |
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: and thanks for asking to take a character btw*sarcasm*..
Also, who else is watching this page?
2011-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Oh me! I am watching this page :D
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: ^^ okay, was just wondering.
I'm trying to maybe put a members list up her so I'm not always asking lol just want it to look good
2011-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: I think that might help hun :)
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: I know it will, lol
I just don't want it to look ugly and clutter up the page more than it already is
2011-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yeah I see your point, hun lol
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: are you gonna join as well?
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: please do, lol
2011-03-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, shall join, but I'm with Dan... I shall be looking this up and doing a bit of reading on it.. ^_^
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: You'll LOVE THE SERIES! there's a lot of penis and boob though. I think that's why Jimmeh watches it xD
2011-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lmao! I thinks thats true Rikki! :D
2011-03-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lmao..... Oh my goodness... Probably XD
2011-03-06 [MadHatress]: and so the people that expressed interest and are unsure about joining, don't feel like I forced them into joining:
I'm putting your names (SNs) on the members list. PM me or leave a comment here saying whether or not your want to remain on the list.
2011-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: >That's true Rikki! But I love the gore!!!!!!!!!!
2011-03-07 [MadHatress]: I KNEW IT! that's okay; seeing all that penis made me giggly and ready to go on to the next day. lol
2011-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rikki, could I please play Naevia? If thats okay?
2011-03-07 [MadHatress]: yes, You can play naevia
xD Which penis? There are many
2011-03-07 [GlassCasket]: yep
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Thanks Rikki! :D
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: you're welcome :)
17; soon to be 18 characters... yikes. This Roleplay will be kick ass when I get this thing all finished
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yayness! :D I love new rpgs ^^
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: lol me too.... if they're good/promising ones.
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: True :) But the only thing I dislike about rpgs is getting left behind all the time. I don't mind if it's a few times but not always.
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: agreed. I just left 2 because they RP'd stupid shit when everyone went to bed
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: I've left about six rpgs since the start of this year for the same reason, hun. And I've just let one of my new rpgs die because...it's just not working out.
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: lol sucks when that happens.
I had a roleplay for Sweeney Todd; but it didn't get going, so it's sitting in my notes :/
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: I have a few rpgs that I haven't started yet just sitting in my notes lol
Ohhh a Sweeney Todd one? Sounds intersting :)
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: yup!
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: I love that movie :D It was soo good and Jonny Depp was just so HOT in it :D
2011-03-09 [MadHatress]: I KNOW RIGHT!? he's starting to look his age though...
2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: But he still hot *dies cause he too hot*
2011-03-09 [MadHatress]: lol agreed
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: hrm
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: need... more... people
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: heh lol
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *humps* >>
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: wtf? you can't hump me! lol
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: What you gonna do about it ^^
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: make lucretia sleep with Crixus all night long lmao
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She'll....do that anyway?
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: not really
Seriously? 2 main characters?
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I'm gonna get more!]
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: you're not playing as father and son. AND Spartacus. I'm not fond of that. PICK ONE
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: thank you.
wouldn't make sense if the end of the RP came... because it would only be you commenting for the most part.
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Very true...
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: Mmhm
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I duno if this rp will ever start...no one's joined but us.
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: uh... lies? When Banana figures out what she wants to do/who she wants to play there will be 4
2011-03-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Maybe strawboy?
2011-03-14 [MadHatress]: potentially?
2011-03-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [could be? I know Angel wouldn't...there's too much nudity and smexing going on >>]
2011-03-14 [MadHatress]: she watches it, actually
2011-03-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I know who she'd play...she'd probably play Sura...
2011-03-14 [MadHatress]: but... she has no part in the show :/ yet.
2011-03-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Totally should!
2011-03-19 [MadHatress]: ? who's the 5th person watching this page??
2011-03-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: people need to join!
2011-03-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Urm..... I don't know if I'm gonna be able to join this one Rikki.... It's totally my type of rp, but I'm overwhelmed with the ones I'm trying to keep up in, and also work... Got ahold of my ex... Sort of (long ass story in diary)... And home.. My dad and step mom are driving me nuts, and my dog and I are driving them nuts.. So yeah... After typing this, I do believe I'm gonna go take a bath and finish my margarita...
2011-03-20 [MadHatress]: *sigh*
2011-03-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *Frowns and looks to Rikki*
2011-03-24 [MadHatress]: OK.
there are 5 people watching including myself. You ALL need to reply to this comment.
We're going to have to take on more than one character. and I WILL be monitoring who takes who. If your character interacts too much with another you take, I am going to remove your name from the lesser character
2011-03-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Okay, Riki. That's fair enough :)
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: i've got
Lucreita and Melitta......
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: >
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Crixus and Quintus
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: ...I guess I'm okay with that. They don't interact much, if at all
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Yeah, both interact more with Lucreita >> Wll. Crixus for only one reason
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: lol yup!
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I'm f'n bored >>
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: well, if people will log on and claim a character... we can start this fucking thing
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Michelle signed on but had to go to school, as for Hannah...she might still be in that mood, ya know? She's been sick and her life has just sucked so far
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: don't need to know people's business; I know what's going on. When time is found, they will get on and do what they want/need to do
2011-03-31 [Tis gone but never gone]: I'll be on ep properly on monday when I get back home. But I'll be going on ep on my phone so I'll be slow cause am not fast texter plus my signal might cut out.
2011-04-01 [MadHatress]: it's all good. as long as I know I won't have to kick people out, I'll be okay with a little turtle-action
2011-04-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rikki I just found out that my mates needs me to babysit their kids on Tuesday, so I won't be on until maybe wednesdays. But again I'll try to get on when I can.
2011-04-01 [MadHatress]: lol it's alright
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: So urm.... *raises hand* Can I cancel my not wanting to join statement?
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: if you can handle the RP, sure!
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Yay! lol.... Now to think.... ugh, mondays
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: lol tomorrow will be my monday. I had today off
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Lucky... I was at work till two in the morning, then had to go back at nine the same morning
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: i've done something like that before. worked til 4 and had to go back at 11
2011-04-09 [burn_in_silence]: hmmm can i join
2011-04-10 [MadHatress]: have you seen the series or are able to maintain a character's appropriate profile?
2011-04-10 [burn_in_silence]: uhhh seen blood and sand twice through and gods of the arena once through and yah im pretty sure i can keep the charachters appropriate but if u have barvca shouldnt u have petros too
2011-04-12 [MadHatress]: I almost put up a profile for him; but petros had such a small role in the series... all he did was get barca X'd lol
2011-04-12 [burn_in_silence]: so does the rp work as u play one of the charachters or are u a slave bought too be trained while this is hapening???
2011-04-13 [MadHatress]: if I had more of the characters strategically disbursed we would start it and you would have a guidline to use. lol
I think it's going to go on like you play one of the characters. only a few of them come in as slaves/ captured and sold into slavery, and I'll let those who control said characters in on that just before we get started
2011-04-14 [burn_in_silence]: sweet id like too be a slave
2011-04-15 [MadHatress]: okay cool. :)
2011-05-16 [MadHatress]: wanting to start this in the next 2 days...
2011-05-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: AGREED!
2011-05-16 [MadHatress]: regardless of the presence of other characters. I think the important ones of the moment are taken, so... I'm okay with starting on tuesday
2011-05-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: k
2011-05-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Okay hun :)
2011-05-17 [MadHatress]: ALright; I have Spartacus and Lucretia... I'm going to allow Jimmeh to take Quintus and... Crixus.
and 'chelle; if you want to, you has Naevia and Ilythia; and if you want a 3rd; can has Sollonius, Barca, Mellita...
2011-05-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: I'll take my characters, Naevia and Ilythia :D I think that will be as much as I can deal with lol XD
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: lol that's alright.
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: and I ended up not being online today. I sorry, lol. I'm going to work on the first post tomorrow when I get out of bed.
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: First Comment is up 2 days later than I hoped it would be, and it isn't all that awesome. It's going to be a pretty slow start to what I see being an amazing RP
2011-08-01 [MadHatress]: STILL want to get this one going. If we have to start Divying up the crutial characters, we'll start Divying them up
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Right! *smacks head* I was supposed to chose one, wasn't I? Sorry >.<
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sweet ^_^
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *doesn't know who to play...*
2011-08-01 [MadHatress]: lol
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